Me before Her
Hello friends, You hear other women talk about how they felt like they've lost part of themselves when they became mothers, listen to them as the lament their past selves, and think to yourself; that'll never be me. And here I am, posting old selfies and reminiscing on the weirdo that once was.... There really is this great reflection period that happens when you have this little shadow following you around all day. You're so caught up in the daily grind of making sure they don't jump off the side of the couch or eat that damn wire they've been clawing at all week, and it feels like there's little room for that central sense of 'you'...not to mention that silent judgement from all of society. It's like some secret council forms the day you have your kid that quietly judges everything from the way you styled your hair that day, to the way you lost your cool on the stroller in the grocery store parking lot as you tried to put it in your trunk.... so y...