This Season of My Life is not Insta-Worthy
Hello friends, Within the past year or so, since getting pregnant and having our daughter, I've struggled to keep up with my usual social media flow. Back in the day, before her, I was pretty consistent and grew a pretty decent following on all my platforms...nowhere near millions, but enough that it seemed to keep people interested in my art. It wasn't my favorite thing in the world, keeping up with the grind of the socials, but it felt like the only way to get my work seen. After having our daughter, my priorities shifted so extremely and so quickly that from my online presence you'd think I'd fallen off the face of the earth. I've been in a sea of dirty diapers, drowning in stuffed animals. She, the majority of the time, is my sole focus. She is what my world revolves around like she's the sun. Her light illuminated this pause in me, this release of the need to keep up with the world...because, right now, she is my world. And right now, in this season of ...