Inspirations: KIMe BUZZELLI

Hello friends, 

This is going to sound so random but...

I was cleaning out an old USB drive and I found an ancient folder labeled 'stuff from dad's computer'. 

I haven't lived with my dad since 2012? 2011? So, it was like finding a time capsule. And on this dusty old drive I found a gem, a folder full of jpegs I had saved from Kime Buzzelli's Myspace page. Yes, ancient, I know. 

Somewhere back in 2009, maybe 2010 I stumbled across this artist named Kime Buzzelli when I bought an Urban Decay eyeshadow pallet. It was one of the first fancy things of makeup I'd ever bought for myself and it had the coolest art on it. I recently parted ways with that crusty old thing while decluttering our house. I hadn't used it in years, but it lived in my makeup case for over a decade because I just liked the art that much. 

I'd never seen art used in that way either... on makeup packaging like that. It was grungy and colorful and messy. The shades inside were bold and glittery. It was at the peak of what the kids are now calling 'indie sleaze' but back then were just thought we were being artsy. 

Her art was everything I loved. Bold lines. Pink. Pretty figures. Fun costumes. Animals. Glitter. 
I lost sight of her after the boom of social media, being flooded with so many artists it's hard to even remember my own name sometimes. But I've always circled back to her because of that old eyeshadow pallet. 

Finding that thumb drive the other day and seeing these old images reminded me of a core component of my love of art. This loose style with the bold colors, random scribbled musings off in a corner and the almost rushed feeling that she had to get the idea out before it ran off to the next adventure...some far off distant feeling from all that time ago just screams through the screen. And I'm transfixed. 

Kime is still making art. Thank the heavens. I found her on Instagram and she's still as lovely as ever. I'm so inspired by her recent project, a little eclectic vintage and art shop called The End in Joshua Tree. Truthfully, it's always been a dream of mine to open a shop like that. One day...

I see so much of her influence in my work from college. Thinking back to it, I was so enamored with her and her work that it was borderline plagiarism. Not really, but she definitely took up a lot of space in my creative mind. I mean, down to the patchwork wrap skirt. If you knew me back then, you can vouch this pattern in a similar color scheme was a huge part of my personality circa 2010/2011.

In 2025, I'm trying to rekindle and re-find (refine) my love of art. Somewhere in the last 14 years of professional work, its all kind of lost its shine, its fun. And, I want to get back to the time where art was actually fun for me and when I actually looked forward to creating instead of this icky pressure to create because it's work. I think social media definitely has played a part in that and revisiting old inspirations is the first place I'm starting. So, I think this might be a reoccurring segment for a while here on the blog. 

Thanks for taking a look and reading through this rambling mess of thoughts. Now that it's a new year, I'd like to continue to build up this space and bring you guys some interesting content. I don't know about you, but I've really missed this kind of internet content and the old days of I'm bringing that shit back! If you'd like to pretend it's 2011 with me, come back soon for more weirdness!! 

til then...
all my love. 
<3 h.

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