Yellow is the Happy Color

Hello friends, 

In the past few months, I've been going through these weird phases where I get oddly obsessed with one color for a while. Last month was orange. Earlier this month was pink and currently, it's yellow. I love all colors, don't get me wrong...most of my art for several years looked like it had been puked on by a unicorn. But there's something about yellow that has always tickled my fancy. You know the cliche, yellow is the happy color! It's bright, it's sunny! Maybe it's the summer, or maybe it's my mood lately...but I'm just feeling very 'yellow'. Finding bits of this tiny piece of sunshine all over has been like my own little personal scavenger hunt. 

I think the other week when I went shopping is when it really hit. I was out with the express intent to pick out a new set of bed sheets. And there in Target, alone on the shelf, was this set of bright-ass yellow sheets with teeny little white flowers all over them. I stood in the aisle hemming and hawing under my mask for the better part of ten minutes, debating with myself if I really wanted to spend the money on these slightly more expensive sheets. And truthfully, I'm thankful I did. Something so small, like a new set of bed sheets, is enough to brighten my mood. I am a simple woman, my dad tells me this all the time. The simplest things bring me the greatest joys..... yellow. 

xo. h. 


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