Soup's On! Dad's Birthday & OOTD

Hello friends, 

This past friday, Bryan and I took my dad out for his 68th birthday. I've been miscalculating all week, thinking he was turning 67th. I must have missed a year some where in there. I love my dad so much, he really means the world to me. I know I've said it a million times, but he's the coolest person I know. If he's not running off somewhere on his brand new motorcycle, he's home tinkering on his El Camino, or hanging out somewhere with his buddies from the hearse club. I could go on, but I don't want to embarrass him 😜 We took him out for fancy ramen soup at  Ramen Bar and ice cream at Cold Stone. It was a nice chill night. On his actual birthday, he and his friends went up to Niagara Falls on the States side. He said they had fun and there was a lot of water (lol, smartass).

It's been a really long time since I did any OOTD posts (outfit of the day). I've had a hard time with my own perception of self, I don't know the word for it but I don't think I see the real me in the mirror. If that makes any sense. But photos are a good way for me to reclaim that esteem for myself as I can look at them for an extended period of time, I can study them in a sense. I also like the artistry of fashion photography and putting together an outfit. I'm sure not everyone agrees, but this isn't everyone's blog. Yes in a way fashion is vapid and shallow, but it's also our way to express out inner most selves on the outside. So basically, what I'm saying is don't be surprised if you seeing a bunch more narcissism here on the blerg. 

Makeup on the other something I'm trying to get back into the swing of things with. I haven't worn makeup of any sorts (minus mascara and brows) in flippin' months, maybe even close to a year. I've been trying to give my skin a break. Back in the day, like high school all the way through most of my twenties, my skin was aaaawful. I can talk about how I cleared my skin from acne and what I've used to do that, but let me know if you'd like to see that. 

If you're out in Squirrel Hill any time soon and are looking for a giant bowl of comfort, do yourself a favorite and check out Ramen Bar. It's small, and you most likely will have to wait for a table, but it's worth it....and the soup comes out super quick- they're just popular! 

And, if you have any questions or requests as far as posts go, please let me know! You can either leave a comment here on the blog, write me an email or get a hold of me via social media!  


xo. h.

**Tshirt from Steel City Brand (formally Steel City Cotton Works)
    Outer shirt // thrifted
    Shoes // thrifted 


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